New Recruiterflow features
What’s new with Recruiterflow?

It’s been a while since we came up with one of these. It’s been a super busy first quarter here. Alas, better late than never! So, here are a few things we added in the last couple of months and a snapshot of what’s to come. 1) New and Updated Analytics With

Make the Sale: Pitching Your Place to Candidates

Recruitment and sales have a lot in common. I’d be willing to argue that recruitment and sales are more alike than they are different: modern candidates are shopping for a great job just as aggressively as hiring managers are fishing the talent pool for the next stand-out team member. If I

recruitment analytics
4 Insights analytics can deliver from your recruitment analytics software

Recruitment is a candidate’s market right now. Recruiting and retaining brilliant talent is getting harder than ever. Those difficulties go beyond just finding the right person for the specific opening you have. What about candidates who are well-suited to your company, not just to your current positions? Keeping track of those

Recruiting Through Social Media
8 Tips for Sourcing CandidatesThrough Social Media

When you want to be able to find the best and brightest in your space, it pays to take things social. The days of job boards and posting ads in the local paper are a long way in the past, social sourcing is the future. While you might not be surprised

recruiting operations
Bringing Productivity to your recruiting operation: A study on MBR Partners

Helping your team stay productive is the best thing you can do for your recruiting operations. This is exactly what MBR Partners did as they moved to Recruiterflow.   We sit down with Neil Martin, Partner & MD Talent Acquisition at MBR Partners to see how they’ve leveraged Recruiterflow.   About

can you get banned from indeed
Indeed’s ban on independent recruiters and what it means for them

If you are not aware, Indeed recently announced that it will remove all the free postings made by Recruiting and staffing agencies. This is not an unprecedented step. Even with their ATS partners like Recruiterflow, Indeed had made their plans clear that they will be restricting access to recruiting and staffing