team communication tools

Team Communication Tools to Improve Collaboration in the Recruitment Process

This is a guest post by Nadiia at the Chanty team. Read more about her at the bottom of the post. Team communication is important for a reason. Everyday conversations help team members establish healthy relationships and streamline information sharing while improving the way people collaborate. Today employees interact with each

recruiting blogs

9 Best Recruiting Blogs to Follow in 2024

As a busy recruiter, you are probably wondering if is it even worth your time to read “recruiting blogs”? You are intent on executing the latest sourcing hack (talking of sourcing hacks, do you know the latest way to source developers from stack overflow), reaching out to rockstars, placing candidates, and

employer branding

How to Create an Employer Brand that Candidates Love

The father of advertising, David Ogilvy rightly describes branding as a creation of genius, faith, and perseverance. Creating an employer brand is no different! Your employer’s brand is central to your recruitment process and defines the people whom you recruit. Why do you need to create an employer brand? Today the

New Recruiterflow features

New Features and What are We Cooking Right Now!

We have had a great ride since we launched in beta last month. We came out of beta last week and have onboarded fantastic customers and partners. In a month’s time, we empower 30 organizations to supercharge their hiring.  We have seen a great uptick in the usage in the last

Social Media Recruitment

How to use Social Media for Recruiting

Social media is the second most effective source for hiring candidates after referrals. According to research by Aberdeen Group, 73% of employees (18-to-34-year-olds) found their last job through a social media network. Using social media for recruiting purposes gives you access to a large global pool of candidates. Facebook has more than