recruiting email templates
25 Recruiting Email Templates Recruiters Can Use

Are your cold recruiting outreach emails falling flat? Struggling to grab the attention of candidates and clients in today’s crowded inbox? You are not alone. On average, less than 10% of cold emails ever get a reply. To increase the chances of getting a reply, your emails need to stand out

Ultimate Guide to Recruiting Business Development and Landing New Clients

Linear scaling doesn’t work, not anymore. Now, you might ask, what is linear scaling? Simply put – A linear scaling model operates on the concept that the more effort you put in, the more output you’ll get. For example, if you increase the number of sales calls that you make by

How to merge candidates in Recruiterflow
Freshly baked goods from Recruiterflow

There is a very good chance that you are reading this email while working from home. At Recruiterflow, we’ve moved to mandatory work from home for all our team members.  Now, let’s not mince words. The virus is going to take a toll on human lives as well as the economy.

February – Hot new product updates straight from the oven

January turned out to be a big month for some mammoth product releases. Let’s dive right into it!  Beefed up recipes: We released a few new actions that can be automated with recipes. Here’s a quick rundown. Here’s a brief about what the feature does and a use case that you

Recruiterflow 2019
Looking back at 2019

What a year it has been! In my 30 years on this planet, 2019 will hold a super special place. It is the year where we crossed the chasm of startup death and charted a way of exponential growth. Recruiterflow’s MRR grew 5x in one calendar year doing a 14% m-o-m

Recruiterflow December Product update
December product release update

Santa’s elves have been hard at work to get you the best holiday presents! The final quarter of the year has been extremely productive. We have released a plethora of new features and updates that have been in the works for months now.  I know, I know, it is impossible to