Happy Diwali! We truly hope that this festival of lights brings you joy and success!
This Diwali, we’ve been busy expanding our waistlines as well as expanding features in Recruiterflow.
Here’s also a TL;DR to summarise the major changes.
Earlier, you could send a 100 of each in one go. While this limitation was in place to make sure that your messages don’t get flagged by spam filters, we’ve increased the send limits, while at the same time making sure that you don’t get flagged! The limit imposed by email provider still applies.
In the last product update, we announced that you can now create a hierarchy of parent – subsidiary structure in companies. We further enhanced this with search. Now you can search candidates/contacts filters and search if those parameters apply to any of the related companies as well. Here are a few search filters where you can include related companies in the search parameters.
Candidates Search – Job Company filter
Contacts Search – Company radius search filter (this is also a new filter)
Contacts Search – Company name filter
Companies Search – Contact radius search filter (this is also a new filter)
Companies Search – Company name filter
Apart from these, here are a few minor releases.
Manan Shah