shaun hervey - Humans of Recruiterflow

Turn Rejections into Stepping Stones for Success – Shaun Hervey 

Recruitment is more than filling roles—it’s about understanding people’s journeys, their ambitions, and guiding them toward opportunities that can change their lives. Every conversation, every connection, has the potential to reshape someone’s future.” – Shaun

We are delighted to present the third episode of the Humans of Recruiterflow series, featuring Shaun Hervey, Founder,  Arkham Talent.

Shaun never imagined he would enter the recruitment arena until a chance encounter changed everything. While selling credit cards at the airport, he crossed paths with the head of North America for Adecco, one of the world’s largest staffing companies. What began as a casual exchange over SkyMiles credit card quickly morphed into a pivotal juncture in Shaun’s life. 

Two weeks later, he walked into an interview at Adecco, setting the stage for his career in recruitment.

Taking the Leap: Building His Own Business

Fast forward a few years and Shaun ascended the ranks in recruitment, serving as an internal recruiter, talent acquisition manager, and director. However, the preceding years had been anything but stable.

During COVID, his growth trajectory hit rock bottom. Laid off twice, Shaun found himself at a crossroads.

“In November 2022, I was laid off,” Shaun recounts. “For months, I struggled to engage in meaningful conversations about new roles. I relied on contract work, scraping by with whatever hours I could secure through my network.”

Yet, with his determination and grit, he turned the lemons life gave him into lemonade. 

It was during this uncertain time that Shaun had a powerful realization: Why am I not doing this for myself?

And this is how Akhram Talent was born. The decision to start his own recruitment business wasn’t easy. There was fear, doubt, and the ever-present voice in his head asking if it would all be worth it. But Shaun decided to go for it. “I just threw caution to the wind and said, 

“To hell with it, let’s build something for myself

The Niche Dilemma: “The riches are in the niches.”

Shaun has always loved sales, so he deliberately chose a highly competitive arena—tech and SaaS recruitment. A domain that teems with skilled recruiters. Shaun readily acknowledges that distinguishing oneself is no small feat.

“I can name ten recruiters off the top of my head who have excelled for years. Breaking into this field is a formidable challenge.”

Yet Shaun embraces the competition with a unique differentiation strategy:

Personalized Approach: Shaun goes beyond the typical transactional nature of recruitment. “I don’t just match resumes to job descriptions; I invest time in understanding both the candidates’ ambitions and the company’s culture. It’s about finding the right fit on both sides, not just filling roles.” 

Long-Term Relationships: Rather than aiming for quick placements, Shaun builds lasting partnerships with clients and candidates. “My goal is to be a trusted advisor, someone they turn to for guidance long after the placement is made.”

Commitment to Quality: Shaun ensures that every placement reflects his high standards. “I focus on quality over quantity. I’d rather take the time to find the perfect match than rush through just to hit numbers. It’s what sets me apart from competitors who prioritize speed over suitability.”

Partnering for Expertise: One of the things he’s working on is bringing on partners with deep industry expertise. “I’m talking to folks who are VPS of sales, CROs, and leaders in the industry. When I vet candidates, they’ll be vetted not just by me but by someone who’s actively in that space. This dual vetting process provides clients with a level of trust that is increasingly rare.”

Inculcating AI into recruitment 

For Shaun, recruitment isn’t just about data or keywords. It’s about people.

“You can teach AI to search profiles, but you can’t teach it to recognize talent in the same way a human can. AI won’t tell you when someone doesn’t tick all the boxes but has that spark—something special that can’t be quantified. AI is great if you use it the right way, but if you’re just blasting out thousands of emails and pissing off decision-makers, you’re going to contribute to email fatigue, which hurts everyone.”

This belief in the human touch sets Shaun apart in a crowded industry. While AI tools help streamline certain processes, Shaun knows that nothing can replace the art of building relationships and reading between the lines.

Key performance indicators (KPIs) Shaun meticulously tracks are:

For Shaun, KPIs are like a double-edged sword.

“I remember when I was a talent acquisition manager, We were so fixated on hitting our monthly targets that we lost sight of what really mattered—the people behind those numbers. It became a race to fill positions rather than ensuring the right fit for both the candidates and the company.”

This realization sparked a change in Shaun’s approach as he launched his own recruiting business. “I wanted to create a culture where KPIs served as guides rather than mandates.”

He established KPIs that reflected this philosophy, focusing on quality over quantity.

“I measure success by the satisfaction of the clients and candidates, the longevity of placements, and the strength of our partnerships,” Shaun explained. “When you prioritize meaningful outcomes, the numbers tend to follow naturally.”

Shaun’s perspective on KPIs has become a cornerstone of his business ethics.

“It’s about finding that balance—using data to inform decisions while remembering that at the heart of recruitment is human connection,” he said with conviction.

Recipe for Success: Hard Work and Authenticity

Shaun’s advice is refreshingly simple: “LinkedIn branding isn’t as important as you think.” Pick up the phone. Make cold calls. Do the hard work. If you don’t love cold calling, do it even more. It’s the most direct way to get to the people you want to talk to.”

He believes in mastering the basics and staying true to yourself.

And above all, Shaun’s guiding principle is clear: Keep it simple. Keep it real. That’s how I’ve been running things, and it’s worked for me.”

True success for me is – “I just want to make my family proud.”

For Shaun, success isn’t about money, prestige, or flashy LinkedIn posts. It’s about something far more personal.

“The best advice I ever got was from my dad. Before my son was born, I asked him, ‘How do you handle it all?” The career, the kids, the responsibilities?’ And he just said, ‘I never had a career. My job was to make sure that you, your brother, and your sister didn’t grow up to be assholes.”

Those words stuck with Shaun, offering him a deeper perspective on what success truly means. “When I think about success, I think about how my family sees me. I want to be the best dad and husband I can be. That’s what matters most to me.”

This perspective shapes the way Shaun runs his business. He doesn’t need to be the biggest or the best. He doesn’t need to manage 50 clients at once. “I don’t have 47,000 people I need to feed. I work on a few roles at a time, and I give them my all.”

Shaun’s Piece of Advice to Fellow Business Owners

  1. Prioritize Relationships Over Transactions: Success in business isn’t just about the deals you close; it’s about the relationships you build. Focus on creating real connections with your clients, candidates, and team members. In the long run, those relationships will pay off far more than any quick win.”
  2. Master the Art of Cold Calling: Shaun recommends doing a minimum of 10 cold calls every day. “Cold calling can feel daunting, but it’s an essential skill. Don’t just view it as a way to sell; see it as an opportunity to start a conversation. Approach each call with curiosity and a genuine desire to help. That mindset shift can turn a cold lead into a warm relationship.”
  3. Become a Good Writer: Shaun advises not to send 1000 non-personalized emails instead create hyper-personalized emails even if you can only send 50.  “In today’s digital age, effective communication is key. Whether it’s crafting emails, proposals, or social media posts, honing your writing skills can set you apart. Clear, engaging writing helps convey your message and builds trust with your audience.”
  4. Stay True to Your Values: “It’s easy to get swept up in trends or to chase after competitors, but never lose sight of your core values. Authenticity and integrity will always set you apart in a crowded market.”
  5. Adapt and Innovate: “The business world is constantly evolving. You need to be open to new ideas, technologies, and methods, but make sure you’re adapting in a way that aligns with your long-term vision

Shaun’s journey reminds us that success in recruitment isn’t about speed or numbers, but about the genuine connections we forge. By prioritizing personalization and authenticity, he shows that nothing is truly insurmountable. If we approach our work with a whole heart, we can transform challenges into opportunities for growth and impact.

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